Please resolve queries related to My Passport

I have gone through

In addition, I read all contents (features, specifications, user guide and manual) of WD My Passport.

I have some technical queries related to WD My Passport.

  1. After connecting My Passport with a Windows Desktop Computer, some applications (WD Discovery, Offline Utilities, etc) are in the My Password. After formatting My Passport, these applications also removed. How to find all these applications again?

  2. According to WD Backup application, backup plan can be setup as Hourly, Daily and Monthly. Can I leave My Passport connected with the Desktop Computer so that backup can be automatically as per schedule?

  3. While adding the backup plan, if I select any volume, say E:, D:, for taking backup; during backup process, can I use the selected volume and can I make changes in file of the volume?

You can take a backup of application files stored in My Passport at another local storage in computer before going to format. Also, you can download My Passport compatible software or tools from WD Support link.

During the backup process running by WD Backup, recommended to keep ON the computer screen till the backup process running. Backup process will go in Hold or Pause Mode when computer go to Sleep and will come back to Resume when computer awake.