Pass word "invalid"

I have a external drive model “My Passport Ultra”.
I connected to my Note Book Asus in March 2015 and started with a periodicals fulls back up, in a weekly basis and completely trusted that everything will work out in case of damage of my PC.
Well, 3 days ago, I suffered the robbery of mi computer and went over with My Passport that had all the invaluable data from the last 2 years of hard work in my PC.
I connected as always the drive in my new computer in order to recover the data wisely recorded from my stolen notebook.
The system asked for my “password”. I typed it and I got a message saying “password invalid”. My surprise was huge because I had written it as same as all other passwords I have.
I typed it again and again, changing in capitol letters, with and without space and always the same response “password invalid”.

I need your help to access and recover the information is in inside the drive .


Sergio Vivanco

There’s no way to bypass the password without erasing the drive.

Try running the unlocking application as an administrator in case access permissions are being denied. I’d also recommend checking if your unit can be unlocked in a different computer in order to test if this is a system-specific issue.