Open sesame

Forgive newbie question. I have two MyCloud NAS drives. I recently changed to a new Win 10 laptop. On the old laptop, in File Explorer, if I right clicked on one of the drives I had the option to open and show all content. On the new one, a right click only offers me ‘View device page’. I’m not much good tinkering under the bonnet and have so far failed to gain access. Can anyone please help?

Have you already set this?

Get My Cloud to show in Windows 10 File Explorer Network - My Cloud OS 3 Personal Cloud Storage / My Cloud - WD Community

What do you have under Network?

Thanks, yes, I made that change. In Network, neither drive shows. In This PC, under Network locations, both disks show, but clicking just reveals Music/Photos/Videos, not detailed folder structure.

First step is to ensure SMB1.0 is enabled. Microsoft disables it on Windows 10.

Next is to check your firewall settings on the computer. Some third party software firewall settings may prohibit access to network devices. As a troubleshooting step, disable any security software (including the firewall) and see if the issue resolves.

Then check to ensure you have the Network Profile configured for Private and not Public.

Thank you. Kaspersky Total Security disabled without any change. Network Profile is Private. However, I do seem to have gained access to the folders that were hiding by using ‘Add a network location’. It’s messier than it was, but at least I can see and use all folders now.

ok. . . . .let’s be serious for a moment. . . .

. .over the last few years I have read every trouble shooting guide and have chased every rabbit down every hole.

I may get a device to show up for a little while. . .but one or two reboots later. . .poof! Gone. I am convinced that this functionality simply does NOT work on Western Digital OS/3 series devices (i.e. their entire NAS product line, of which the single bay MyClouds are an example).

My solution is simple, and works every time: I just access the device by going to the file explorer address bar and typing a double slash followed by the IP address or device name . . i.e. \\mycloud or \\ (slashes in one direction pops open the device web UI; ;and the other opens up a file window.

I bet mapping the device to drive letter will also work.

(Note: They finally did fix this with OS/5. . but that firmware has another set of issues. . .and should be approached with a very, very long pole)

Many thanks - that’s brilliant. The Explorer browser suggestion works a treat. I did map the devices, but could only see Public folders.

Also be sure to read the comments below that “solution” linked above.

Microsoft (and others) did actually disable SMB1 for a good reason - it’s a security nightmare for anything internet-facing or accessible. For background details, stick “Wannacry” into your browser search of choice and do some reading.

Be aware that they will also disable it again given any chance (Windows Update for example), and most of the whole industry is trying to kill off SMB1 for those security reasons. So be sure that you fully understand what you’re doing and what you may be letting yourself in for.

Mapping network drives, or just using the device name or IP address to access it (\\wdmyclourmirror or whatever you may have renamed it to, or \\192.168.x.x or whatever it’s IP address is) is a far safer and not significantly less direct way of accessing the drive shares.