Hello Everyone:
I am trying to get this app within the EX4 unit up and running and I am having issues with getting the CONFIG files setup correctly and installed.
Is there someone that uses this and can guide me through this…I would appreciate it…
Thank you for that, It basically shows exactly what the pages for setup are, I am looking for help with filling those pages out since I tried it and got errors and not sure how to fix those…
So, I am looking for someone who has set this up and guide me through that process…but again…thanks!!
I found this video incredibly useful:
(though when I did the initial logging in, instead of the root login it shows I ended up having to use admin/admin)
What the page doesn’t tell you is that you need to install the PHPmyAdmin app as well as the phpbb – and at least with my EX2 that app wasn’t available via the dashboard. (Go ->here<- for help with that)
I’m now at the point where I need to delete the install directory – and I have no idea how to do that