New Release - My Cloud Firmware Version 04.05.00-334 (03/12/2019)

Try downgrading back to the previous firmware (04.05.00-327) and see if the random disconnections persist.

Also, check other devices on your local network, especially if you have introduced a new device to the local network to see if there is an IP address conflict. If you haven’t already done so, set the My Cloud with a static IP address or better access your router and configure/reserve an IP address for the My Cloud so no other devices try and obtain the same IP address.

Appreciate some help here. After being deployed from November to June, I returned to find that my Mac wasn’t backing up. Here are the facts/issues:

  • First issue is that I get a note that says Time Machine hasn’t backed up to MyCloud in 35 days
  • I have a Mac desktop with Mojave 10.14.6
  • I have a WD MyCloud single bay. I can’t find the firmware because I can’t access/connect to it, either through Finder, Dashboard or anywhere else. Finder “sees” it, but can’t connect.
  • When I click on the WD MyCloud desktop icon, it says version Not sure if that’s the firmware version?
  • I’m technologically challenged, so looking for step-by-step directions on how to proceed!

Thanks in advance, Greg

A me è comparsa la versione 342.
Come mai? Ha aggiornato tutto da solo. É un my cloud 3 tb.

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