MyBook's motor runs permanent, cover gets warm

Hello out there, need some advise, please.
After a previous read/write fault I formatted the WD Mybook 3T new and used CHKDSK to make sure everything is OK. Since then the motor of the external HD is permanently running. The cover of it feels warm from this activity and the vibration of the running motor can be felt by touching it.
Since I am not sure what’s behind this I have not tried to backup files on it, except for a small test with copy/past which worked OK. What to do?, I am afraid the external HD could die because of its unusual function.

Hi @wildbrush
Have you opened a Support Case? If not opened, for more information, please contact the WD Technical Support team for the best assistance and troubleshooting:

thank you Rhyan for getting back to me,
some time back i tried to open a support case, but was told by WD that any support for the MyBook series is not given anymore.
Therefor I try to solve my prob here in the WD community.