3TB MyBook loses power/powers off/goes offline

I’m using a 3TB MyBook as storage for my WDTV Live to run videos & music off of, however it frequently goes offline/“ejects” while in use. I’ll be watching a video, and it freezes, eventually gets kicked back to the dashboard with a “eject the device properly” message, and find that the MyBook’s power light is off. I pull the power, plug it back in, the WDTV redetects, and it’s good to go again. sometimes it can work for days (or at least hours of continuous use), sometimes I can’t get through a 15 minute video without it crashing.

any just about had it with this thing and want to scrap both the WDTV and MyBook, but I was hoping I can find some answers or at least other people with similar issues and possible suggestions. however, all my searches so far only come up with power save settings in windows and so on, nothing about using a MyBook without a computer.

*I should also mention that the drive is not overheating, and that it’s on a power conditioned outlet that doesn’t have any problems with other devices. plenty of slack on the cables so there’s no undue stress/loose connections.


Please make sure the drive is plugged in directly into a wall outlet and not a power strip. You can also connect the drive into a Windows computer and run a diagnostic using Western Digital Data Lifeguard Diagnostics.

I have the exact same problem @noisebot is pointing in the very same scenario 3TB HDD + WDTV Live unit

I’ve just updated the firmware of the unit (HDD) also to see if it helps. 

Recommended actions provided does not seem to be a real solution.

HI again, this is still happening to me even following HDKnows indications. Pretty annoying while watching content and suddenly have the hdd with the led off on not responding until unplugging and replugging it. It brakes the experience wd tv provides so nicely…

Please give me some support in here.


Hi damks, have you tried using another USB cable or connecting the My Book to another device to see if the same problem happens? 

Yes, I am having the same problem. Slow and crash … My book 3 Teras Led front does not light properly, getting off most of the time …

4 weeks ago my WD drive got dead. Since it was on gurantee period it has been replaced by WD. 

Obviosl all data got lost.

Currently no issues with the new unit.

I do not know if it has some relationship, but I wanted to share this with you.


Are you using USB 3.0? I am having exactly the same issue only on Win8 and USB 3.0. If I plug my My Book into PC with USB 2.0 or my old laptop with WinXP and USB 2.0, it works perfectly fine. Only on USB 3.0 it makes those weird problems. I also can’t find the solution for this problem (for older models of My Book, it was just a matter of updatin the firmware, but for the newest My Book there seems to be no firmware update available… yet - I hope they will come up with a proper solution soon). Anyway, please try another PC with USB 2.0 to see if it behaves in the same way or not.

Issue was so sporadic so i did not make test connected for days in a PC.

I also did not change the usb 3.0 cable or tried with a 2.0 cable.

I only can say disk died weeks after and replacement, New one works flawlessly after 1 week testing.
