MyBook Live shares not found

Hello I have a MyBook Live network drive 1TB I bought a few years ago, but recently it stopped appearing on my network, when that happened I started back up all data but I couldnt finish, theres is still data I want from that drive and sbm share is not appearing anymore.

I tried to login into Dashboard, but after typing password it simply doesnt go on, I read somewhere that some automatic firmware update broke dashboard, doing portscan theres 4 ports available, bou none of them seem to be SSH, SMB or FTP ports, I remember to have activated FTP once. Doing reset by the reset button doesnt seem to solve anything.

Is there any other way to acess my files? No weird clicking noises from HDD it seems to be running fine, theres something wrong with the internal software managing it, but since thheres only network port I don’t know what else I am able to do.

Im acessing from mac and PC but neither can acess inside dashboard or any shares. (there was a Public share available)

Hi jrrhack,

Do you able to access My Book Live data from

If account have enabled previously from the dashboard then you will be able to access My Book Live data from remotely.

Hello, I have never created mycloud account

I don’t think MyBookLive is compatible

My Book Live is a network drive and allows to remotely access it via You can have a look on this article.