I just bought and WD MyBook 3T to replace my 1T storage. Since I will be using it with Mac and Windows 8, I reformated with exFat. Which was all OK. When I coppied my old files which are 614GB intotal to new disk, even though size figure was the same but it used 926GB (size on disk). same file using %50 more disk space was kind of defeat the purpose of upgrade.
I tried to reformat again again try it but result was the same. I used ‘default setting of partitions’ during formating the disk. I need to use exFAT - NTFS is not really an option for me.
I attached screen shot of the disk properties/size data.
COuld any one help me understand what size and size-on-disk is and how could I get the size on disk under control
faik_toronto wrote:
I just bought and WD MyBook 3T to replace my 1T storage. Since I will be using it with Mac and Windows 8, I reformated with exFat.
I think you’re in the wrong forum. This forum is for the My Book Live NAS, which cannot be formatted as exFAT.
But to your question:
According to: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/140365
Microsoft allocates 128KB on disc as the default cluster size for exFAT.
That means that even if your file is only 10 bytes, it will take 128kilobytes on the disk. And if the file is 128K + 1 bytes, the file will consume 256KB on the disk.
exFAT is TERRIBLY inefficient when dealing with small files. NTFS, by comparrison, allocates 4KB at a time.
But even then, the math isn’t working correctly. What allocation unit did you use when you formatted the disk?
I do believe this is the right forum for that post…