My Cloud OS5 - Indexing taking forever

A big part of the problem with indexing is the indiscriminate trawling it does of drives.

  • Indexing should be chosen on a directory not a share level
  • Transcoding should be optional. . . not default and certainly not mandatory

I have ten’s of thousands of images on my drive. Because of my workflow; I wind up with 2-4 files for each image (RAW, Working file, thumbnail, Jpeg output file, etc). Good lord. . .I don’t want all that indexed!. . . and frankly, it is unreasonable to ask users to create a special share just for images to be indexed.

TBH. . my file organization works, and works well. I will sooner change vendors than change my filing system. (Although . . .my immediate response is more basic: Disable cloud services, and call it at day (I am this close to flat out blocking access to the unit at the router level))

I won’t even mention how appallingly inefficient the indexing process is. The time and processor power it takes to create all the thumbnails is indicative of a deeper issue, right?


Отличное решение проблемы!!! (Я вернул NAS и больше не являюсь его владельцем.)
Только что делать тем кто не может вернуть NAS… У меня первый раз после установки OS5 индексирование шло 14 суток, занято 5 Тб (примерно, устал считать дни) второй раз - 7 дней, после добавления несколько сотен файлов, третий раз уже 7 дней, (ничего не делал). Сейчас выключил доступ к облаку что бы прекратить индексирование и теперь у меня просто внешний диск а не NAS.
Господа из WD просто украли у нас NAS и ничего не делают для решения проблемы. Дайте хоть возможность вернуться на OS3.

Indexing on OS3 takes just a few minutes…

. . . .like I said. . . .OS/5 appallingly inefficient.

What is especially frustrating is that the WD response to this has been a consistent “So what?” from the start.

Thanks for this idea, My only problem is that I have a WD MyCloud Mirror. The question is does anyone out there know a way to revert back to OS 3 from OS 5 on a Mirror ?

At the moment its a complete ‘balls up’ by WD and they don’t ( or refuse to ) understand that there is a major issue with OS 5 and we ( the people who buy into WD hardware etc ) don’t matter to them.

Thanks WD for ruining my Christmas, really kind of you ahahahahaha

Thanks for that, I’ll have a read and think about it

Merry Xmas too

  • If you do not need internet access to your NAS, I would prefer to stay at OS3. The OS5 troubled indexing method on the OS5 is not yet finally fixed to be accepted in a good shape.

  • If you need internet access and you will switch to OS5 and you have probably a couple of user accesses to maintain their access …then this will lead to extra administartive effort for you and as well for your users to get ready for the use. as well they trigger you to fix their access troubles.

  • For sure some security/compliance improvements are implemented on the OS5, but this you need to verify in details based on the firmware update details.

38 Days since the worst update i´ve ever seen in my entire life. Literally broke one of my WD Red 6tb at 97% (the other 8tb is still alive, at least). The disk has 2,5 years and this index during more than one month at 60ºC, a lot of noise in my beedroom, can´t acces to my files…
And now my WD Mycloud EX2 Ultra can´t let me loggin into the cloud.

WD… really dissapointed. Never again. Thanks for throwing my money away. I hope you fix the problem for the rest of the people.


I had to disable cloud access.
So, instead of a “My CLOUD mirror”, I have a wonderful “My EXTERNAL DRIVE mirror”.
Thank you, WD.

But there is another issue: it seems like the drive doesn’t stand by. The fan is always running. I’m sure that before, with OS 3, there were moments when the NAS was absolutely silent.

What can I do? Someone can help me, please?


You can buy a cloud option from another brand. Only real solution.

Thankfully I didn’t upgrade to os 5. Was planning on using os 3 until WD came out with os 6 or at least a workable update to 5. However, after reading this entire thread and not seeing a single response from WD. I am buying a synology and using my two 2gb red drives. Read they are compatible. Will sell the diskless unit on ebay.

I get mistakes happen. What’ important is how you address them. It is unacceptable for WD to completely ignore this issue and only respond with outsourced generic answers when a support case is opened. Personally I want nothing to do with such a shameful company.


Thank you.
Actually, WD is now an external disk of my brand new QNAP :slight_smile:
TS-253D (and APPs) is the “gate”. So I solved the “cloud issue”.
BUT I’d like that WD was more silent, when not in use, like with OS 3.
NOW it seems that WD is always working, even if not used for hours.

This is ridicolous, I disabled web access for all network shares but now my WD started indexing images that are located under MyCloudEx2Ultra root folder (images likes world32k.jpg, logo.png and whatsoever).

I want to completely disable cloud access, this is becoming a nightmare for me.

You guys at WD are the worst support I’ve been unlucky enough to deal with.

Please provide a solution to this ridicolous mess asap.

How did you completely disabled the cloud access?

Thanks and have great holidays!

@Serjoka Here’s how to disable cloud access for the entire My Cloud Device.

I don’t know how long my indexing took during the initial upgrade to OS 5. I think it was over 2-weeks. Now, after moving to another location, the system has decided to begin indexing, again.

I left QNAP because it the system had far too many elements to the system. WD was supposed to be simpler. It might be simpler but more trouble.

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With all being said, it is sad that WD is not even trying to listen to customers - ‘have patience’ translates to me as ‘buy another brand if you don’t like what we did’… And that’s what I’m planning to do. Some managers just understand when sales drops. Let’s help WD leadership understand the message!

What happens if I move files that are already indexed and thumbnails are generated to another share? Will it start all over again or does it recognize the previously generated stuff?

Want to move about 1TB to another share :sweat_smile:
I do this often because I have an „import“ share for new files, that get moved to other shares eg „customers“ when they are organized, the project is finished,…

Indexing is incremental.

If you move 1TB to a new share. . . . then that share has 1tb of fresh indexing to do. (that will probably take more than a minute)

The old share has 1tb of index files to delete. (no idea how long that takes)

I presume you want/need WD cloud access?

It is more of a workflow reason.
As a photographer my initial import of new files is to a „import“ share. This one has no web access as I need to work with the files (on a computer) a lot before it makes sense to use them on mobile devices/ web (this access is granted with moving the files to a „customer“ share after finishing all work with the files).

Because of the long indexing times at the beginning of OS5 I removed the import share from web access.

Just for the purpose of knowing the indexing time I enabled the web access earlier and it is running now for approx. 2h (55% done).
So it kind of looks like it is no longer a big issue.

Indexing my 14TB (all image and video files (probably around 2.5 million files) at the beginning of OS5 took nearly two month :rofl: