I recently bought a 2TB MBL, haven’t done much with it bar updating the firmware when prompted but I have since done the following:
enabled SSH
logged in
ran apt-get install transmission-daemon (my first mistake)
accepted the various packages be installed
didn’t allow any files to be modified
transmission was working
UI stopped working*
*= the UI loads just fine, but does not allow access to any sub menus, just reloads back to default.
subsequently… ssh no longer works, transmission on longer loads http: // :9091
Struggling to work out how to fix this with no UI or SSH access! I have tried all kinds of URL combinations to try and access a manual firmware upload to overwrite my current mess, or a factory reset … so far with zero success.
Thanks. I finally got the URL to work after several attempts. Mostly it redirects straightback to the main UI screen (& URL). When it does open I get this error:
31125 - Error retrieving usage values: Internal server error. Retry your last operation. If the error persists, contact WD Support for assistance.