Was able to access my external hard drive yesterday. Today I went in and was able to access a file, but then something odd happened and I believe the file got corrupt or causing the problem. Now my computer recognizes the drive, but when I click on it to open it just hangs and will not open. Cannot right click to run check as it also hangs when I right click. When I go to the Devices and Printers it shows that it is working properly, but no way to access the files or run a check from there. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Don’t worry!!! You can run CHKDSK command to check your hard drive status. Just open the command prompt and type CHKDSK drive name: /F(type “F” to fix errors). Let me know if you face any issue.
All the best!!!
I am not able to run the CHKDSK either. Having a computer technician come out this afternoon. Crossing my fingers!
Thanks for the response.
Hi Lam,
Good Luck to you and let me know the status.
Following this thread as I have recently had the same issue with mine. I was going to remove it from the case and try to access it but I’m thinking that I have saw on other threads that the drive is automatically encrypted and will not work outside the enclosure.
I was considering buying the Duo Raid external but understood it is the same way, now I’m very seriously having second thoughts.
Hi, how’s your External HDD now ? Can you post updates on your hard drive ? I also have issues same as yours. Thank you !
Hi oliverpowell !
I also have the same problem on my External HDD, can CHKDSK still work on my hard drive even if in my case when i plug the HDD and then using “list volume” in cmd do not show all drives when the HDD is plugged. I wanted to try run chkdsk overnight on my HDD but i’m kind of hesitant to do it cause i dont want to let it run overnight thinking that i dont want to further damage it if the problem is in the Hardware.
Can you please visit my topic? I really needed to recover files from my HDD and if possible fix the hard drive.
Here is the link on my topic:
Thank you !
This is also my other post that includes pictures