My Book AV - Other uses

I have a My Book AV that was purchased to expand my DVR capacity. I can no longer use it for that, so I’m wondering if (and how) it can be used as something other than a DVR extension.

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Hi dprize,

  1. One of my problems is similar to yours. Can the My Book AV DVR Expander can be used as a computer’s external storage like my other WD Pass Port devises, they are connected through an USB cable?

it says:
“When used with a DVR, the My Book AV drive
expands the recording capacity of a single DVR. The
drive cannot be used as an expander for multiple
DVRs or as storage for other AV devices.”
It has not mentioned if it can be used as a storage for a computer.

  1. MY My Book AV DVD Expander (WDBABT0010BHK-00, 1 TB), connected through an eSATA to my RCN HD TiVo cable box(320 GB) to expand TiVo box’s recording capacity. They worked well for a few months then stops output any TV signal.

But when I disconnected the expander and restart the TiVo, it works well.
Since the TiVo has 320GB storage and the Expander has 1 TB storage. So they might not work well when the Tivo is full. Therefore I still cannot confirm that my My Book AV is dead or not.

If I can use an USB cable to connect My Book AV to my windows 7 computer as a external storage ?
If it works, then my Expander is still good, but not works with my TiVo box.

Any help will be highly appreciated.