Music Streaming - Tracks in wrong order (alphabetically)

I have a MBLD that I purchased primarily for its ability as a UPnP server.

It’s been very easy to set up and working wonderfully, however when I stream music from it the order is alphabetical, not by track number.

I’ve looked high and low but can’t find a setting for this.

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Hi, from where are you trying to access the music files from? You could have the option from the client side to sort the music files. 

jonny042 wrote:

I have a MBLD that I purchased primarily for its ability as a UPnP server.


It’s been very easy to set up and working wonderfully, however when I stream music from it the order is alphabetical, not by track number.


I’ve looked high and low but can’t find a setting for this.

Yeah, it’s a limitation of the Duo’s DLNA server, unfortunately.  I don’t like it, either…

Yep not working … It should list it out in track order when selecting album or artist/album. 

Even when the client does have the option of sorting by track number (which is supported by the server) it gets it wrong. It sorts it 1, 10, 11, 12 , 13, 2, 3

Brought this up in thread for the new firmware …

Surfin Swede

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What a joke…  automatically re-ordering the tracks alphebetically makes the My Book Live Duo completely useless as a music server.  I can’t believe they don’t disclose this limitation upfront so people planning to use this as a NAS device for streaming music files are aware of this…   Is it clear there is no fix to this, maybe by editing the data tags on the music files?  What are the chances that WD will come up with a fix to this problem?

I wonder how much testing they do on the music side … seems like a lot of obvious stuff makes it through testing. 

We have noted this issue. Thanks for the feedback. I’ll push to make sure this gets in a firmware update.

Thank you to the original poster for raising this.  I had been thinking seriously about the MBLD, but this is a deal-breaker.

I will definitely NOT be considering the MBLD any further, and that’s because of this specific issue.  

I really hope this issue will be solved soon.

I wanted to play a lot of classical music, by streaming it from the MLBD.

Especially with classical music the order of the tracks is important.

I am really disappointed.

I won’t recommend the MLDB to anyone, so they wont be disappointed.

Greetings, Jan


With the new firmware update the tracks are in the right order.

But only in Album View.

I use the Folder View and then the tracks are still in the wrong order.

Is there a change that there will be a firmware updat that will solve this issue?

Greetings, Jan Bulder