Mp4 issues and just after a response from WD

I have issues similar to many posted on the forum re mp4s disappearing in media library mode, but appearing and playable fine in file mode.
My question is really there have been loads of posts on the issues, but very quiet from WD. im hoping the issue has been identified and would be included in some future release. I am willing to provide some more info on my issue, but to be honest life is so busy work work/kids etc… I dont have much time (or energy) to spend time on this, plus my hands are naffed with rsi so im reluctant to put time in trying to resolved when its likly already solved.

Basically, im just after some communication from WD on whether or not the issue has been solved and will be included in a new release.

Sorry to be a pain.

darkstar wrote:
I have issues similar to many posted on the forum re mp4s disappearing in media library mode, but appearing and playable fine in file mode.
My question is really there have been loads of posts on the issues, but very quiet from WD. im hoping the issue has been identified and would be included in some future release. I am willing to provide some more info on my issue, but to be honest life is so busy work work/kids etc… I dont have much time (or energy) to spend time on this, plus my hands are naffed with rsi so im reluctant to put time in trying to resolved when its likly already solved.

Basically, im just after some communication from WD on whether or not the issue has been solved and will be included in a new release.

Sorry to be a pain.

As far as anyone on this forum can tell, there won’t BE any future releases.  

Not that anyone at WD has told us that, but rather we’ve spent months talking here about the problems the last firmware release created, so this forum has been flooded with posts about them, and people begging for info about a future firmware release, and there’s been stone cold dead silence from WD.  In addition, I know that many here have talked to the WD support department at various times and nobody has come back reporting support saying anything different.

Somewhere at WD there’s an indiviudal who’s a Product Manager for this product (or maybe even this entire product line), and whoever that person is seems to be completely isolated from both feedback from this board, as well as the front line support people on the phone/email front.  That could be because it’s a dead product.  Or it could be someone totally not doing their job.  Who knows?  But it doesn’t look promisng getting anything fixed.

In decades of buying computer stuff and consumer electronics I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything like this (where a major company just went dead silent on something).  Typically if a product is discontinued they TELL people–if only to drive them onto purchasing a newer product.  If a product is simply having some temporary problems, they’ll at least put out a “we’re working on it” message–if not formally then at least informally via their tech support people.  Now I know that technically this board is not a formal support avenue (it’s in the small print–it’s more along the lines of “users helping users”), so I could see such not being reported here, but as I said people here have called or emaliled support too and as far as I can tell not a single one of them has gotten any kind of reasurring information about new firmware from support they’ve been willing to report here. 

I removed some of the posts from this thread since they did not contribute to the main discussion.

Please keep it friendly.

Here’s my friendly reply: I’m confident there will be another release.

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