Hello all,
Has anyone found a solution to allow a default player to be defined for streaming .mkv files within wd2go droid. The only soultions I see pertain to caching the file on the mobile device and then playing it with another player.
Or accessing with another player that see’s the Mybook as a Media server. " Fine on local network, useless over the cloud.
Why does the Droid app allow you to chose a defailt player for .avi and .mp4. but not for .MKV?
is it part of WD’s DLNA implementation?
I don’t want to waste time downloading a file so that I may then play the file after recharging my battery. I want to stream the file.
If MKV will never be streamable , TELL us…
That way we can start transcoding out MKV files to a more freindly container.
Ara Carrano