Missing info and no trailer-option

After the latest firmware update any new video I add to my WD doesn’t have any YouTube-trailer associated with it. Even if I rescan the info on old films with trailers, the trailer suddenly disappears. Also now some of the info is missing on most of the films. It only displays the first couple of lines. 

I haven’t changed any of the settings - the only change is the update of the firmware. Have any of you experienced the same problem and do you have a solution??

I have the same issue with no trailer option available for any movies that I scan info for after the most recent upgrade. Though my descriptions show just fine.

Same problem here… No answers yet? 

After the latest firmware update any new vid files I add to my WD don’t have any trailer associated with it the option just isn’t there…  So I went to a vid  that’s been on there awhile and yes the watch trailer option is there, I rescan info and POOF no more trailer!  Also the **bleep** thing  changes the Vid info/plot to a foreign language looks Russian or something??.. I checked all my settings and they’re good!  Anyone else have this problem? Is WD in process of fixing it?..   Or how do I roll back my firmware to a previous one to get these features back?

I’m finding this forum board more and more useless!   atleast an explanation on how to roll back to the previous firmware would be a nice start!..

Doubletap wrote:

Same problem here… No answers yet? 


After the latest firmware update any new vid files I add to my WD don’t have any trailer associated with it the option just isn’t there…  So I went to a vid  that’s been on there awhile and yes the watch trailer option is there, I rescan info and POOF no more trailer!  Also the **bleep** thing  changes the Vid info/plot to a foreign language looks Russian or something??.. I checked all my settings and they’re good!  Anyone else have this problem? Is WD in process of fixing it?..   Or how do I roll back my firmware to a previous one to get these features back?



I’m finding this forum board more and more useless!   atleast an explanation on how to roll back to the previous firmware would be a nice start!..

Yeah, it’s going to be useless to you if fail to spend so much as three minutes SEARCHING.   The steps to roll back are not only published in Western Digital’s SUPPORT website, but probably also posted here a few hundred times.


Yeah that was helpfull… maybe we could get more replying with more clutter and cloud the waters even more…

with members like yourself only stating to search instead of answering the question this place will continue to slide down the tubes! out of every forum board software out there this is the most un-userfriendly forum I have ever visited…  IF this device worked as it should then this place wouldnt exsist.

So Tony unless you can help with this problem shut the **bleep** up and post your sarcastic remarks elsewhere.

Dude.  Get with the program.   I *did* answer your question.

But I’m afraid that if you can’t or won’t read, then no one will be able to help you!  :smileyvery-happy:

Here’s the answer.   AGAIN.    http://wdc.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/5860/