Making crontab persistent after reboot / scheduling commands

Hello Folks,

I’m using My Cloud EX2 running 2.11.157 firmware my purpose is autodeleting files and folders older than 24 or 48 hours.

I edited the crontab configuration file /var/spool/cron/crontabs/root with vi and tried modifing it running
crontab -e


crontab /var/spool/cron/crontabs/root

but after the reboot my changes are gone.

What would you do to perform such an easy task?

Hi there,

I have not tried this, lets see if another user can share some information or tips on this matter.

In this Additions to Crontab Reverting - #52 by Grauwind

and this topic : Crontab on MyCloud EX2 - #8 by PETER_ZEMAN

They discussed about editing /usr/local/config/config.xml in order to run some jobs…