Losing Motivation to Buy New External HDDs from WD due to Non-Existent service centers and Amazon refusing to support

The Problem

Instead of 6tb under size, it shows O Bytes... Disk 3 Unknown, Not Initialized

when tried to initialize and convert to GPT

“The specified disk is not convertible because the size is less than the minimum size required”.

2tb or higher requires/recommended for GPT… mine is 6tb so i have no idea why windows think the disk is not higher than 2tb.

I have already had HDDs of 113 tb, All are western digital and none of it failed so far… This one however seems like it has Manufacturing issues even though HDD is externally flashy and doesn’t seem to be having any damage physically… Maybe software related or file system error ?

Recently got a smartphone for my dad and wd 6tb aswell for me which came together bundled…

so here is the chat while i contacted amazon.

Note: If images are not visible enough, click on the image and use the Browser’s Zoom feature

As you can see, its Either Amazon purposefully engages in non stop trolling by following the behavior as shown in the above chat example to annoy the customer and make them give up or they just work on replacing human agents with AI bots but human names…? 1 hour of beautiful Sunday wasted…

i was listening to spotify and catching up with playlist updates and was patiently replying to every agent that got in the way just to see where it will end and how it ends… As you can see from the above chat, the experience was terrible.

I Love WD and all of the HDDs are working perfectly… i Even had problems like WD not powering on but they were eventually fixed…

i was thinking about providing update to that thread by adding new knowledge and techniques which i learned but for some reasons i keep on procrastinating it due to my To-Do list always incomplete… it feels like i may eventually get finish the To-Do List within 2 days but before i finish that something else gets in queue and the chase seems never ending but i do believe i will finish it eventually, when that happens soon enough, i will post an update for this specific case as there are lot of things to discuss and new ideas to share.

Let’s Get back to the topic… If we take that same Amazon customer care agent reply as a possible solution to look forward… it completely makes no sense because the last time i contacted WD related to this they openly admitted they have no service centers…they only have like offices… The Following search result also should say you the same…

Besides what Google has to say, i myself know if samsung has 100 service centers in my city/neighboring cities…WD has zero…Like there is no such thing as WD service center… its not like WD saying me → the service centre is not available in the current city of your country, but you can visit the nearby city where our service centers are available… they are non-existent…hope you understand what i am trying to say.

Maybe some local computer repair shop can claim they can fix WD drives/data recovery…etc but that doesn’t make them to be WD Authorized… so i am not sure how to proceed further… this is the first time WD made me feel like i have gambled the money and nobody will be able to help… the drive feels like wrecked drive even though its brand new…i tried both WD enclosure method and also shucking method now where i used QZ Sata to USB Enclosure which has Excellent ASMT1153E…In both scenarios same result… it seems like drive has internal issues.

i doubt whether contacting 1800 or filling up some warranty forms will result in any success… Even for this thread, i haven’t created it because i could get proper solution from wd…its just i wanted to let wd know that i am disappointed and make some efforts to setup service centers. i really feel like i have been scammed and its hard to believe WD seem to be the reason… i haven’t lost my love or specialness for WD due to their great drives and data reliability of HDDs…i still love WD but what one thing seems to be changed is that instead of having joy while you make an WD HDD purchase, i will be having fear whether this new drive will work ? and will give a huge sense of relief to see windows explorer showing up the drive. Not sure whether WD is cheaping out parts for the manufacturing of new HDDs but it seems like its all about luck and this time i had bad luck.

I will try searching for some solutions for the next 2 to 3 days and if some magic happens, i will post an update here. this clearly seems to be manufacturing defect but lets see…

This is somewhat irritating as well… Got no time to argue back and forth and go legally wasting money even more…

Lack of generosity…

yes i tried that and in crystaldiskinfo, it doesn’t even show the drive while i checked it

The reliability of this above 750gb drive serving for 10+ years is the reason why i love and trust WD…

Here is another drive which is connected and showing in crystaldiskinfo D drive

Got this above shown 6tb drive before 3 months… i really liked its performance, it was Awesome and that’s the reason why i thought i need to get another 6 tb… but unfortunately its not working and seems like i was hit by bad luck…It only showed on disk management and disk part…crystaldiskinfo couldn’t recognize that drive was actually connected…

I packed the drive as in the same way how i received it hoping Amazon could help with replacement But amazon is doing/done their best to avoid return/replacement… One thing which i have decided from this experience is that if i could get something locally in nearby stores, i will skip getting it from amazon… Getting greedy these days…

I purchased it from amazon.in

see the Below image

As you can see, it says “Purchased 2 times” which indicates i have got 6tb variant 2 times where the first instance was 3 months ago and another one before 3 days… i also got 14tb and 8tb ones aswell for a long time but only recently i started getting 6tb ones and performance is really awesome…

The joke about this above image’s product detail on amazon.in is that it says “7 days Service centre Replacement” while the service centers for WD are non-existent in India…i was having desires to hit the 200tb limit slowly within next 2 years but this purchase experience seems to have slowed down the progress also its extremely demotivating…


And also to answer your question, yes its amazon delivered

seller is well known as i already got the currently working 6tb from the same seller.

Both sellers are same as it would be matching the one which i posted earlier

i remember contacting the seller before an year ago for an issue and here is what they replied

And the 1800 is amazon’s number…

i think they have AI tools to reproduce the same answer to all customers who sends the mail to them(if the tool discover some common keywords)… will wait for 3 more days to see if i could figure out something…

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Thought about checking Event viewer and here is what i found

so its a manufacturing defect i guess…

Found a similar issue posted by someone else here on this community but has no solution

i dont know how/why new HDDs also gets affected by this…

previously i tried to tell you of whats going wrong with this new hdd… now i could show and reference the issue by narrowing it down further by referencing to the exact same issue thread…

The linked thread is the exact issue of mine aswell and its happening on brand new hdd… idk why wd aggressively forces hardware encryption tech onto everything… personally for me, i dont have any issue others viewing my files so i never set any passwords, not even for the computer so continuously tainting this hardware encryption tech might also be the cause for creation of problems like this…

Those contacts are vicious circle… i mean if i contact seller, they ask to contact amazon and if i contact amazon, they ask to contact the brand’s service center and When i contact the brand, they openly admit they dont have any service center and while i do post in the community, you’re looping me back to the starting point which is seller… i think arguing back and forth with this circle will only end up wasting time

Either Way, i filled the form on the below link and submitted the case here

But Deep Inside me, i always believe WD is extremely weak at customer service and the rates of success rate for people who contacts WD by filling this above form and got their issues resolved will be relatively low…In the End, it would be like i have no other option but to keep this non-working drive with me…

i did some researching about this error and learnt something

Now what shall i do when Microsoft says contacting the vendor will give me the resolution but the vendor has no presence of service centers ? i really wish WD would me more like Samsung…Like whatever issue if i encounter with samsung devices, samsung service center will always be able to fix it so you can buy samsung products with confidence… After this incident, i may still buy wd HDDs but my confidence and trust with the brand is shattered. Going forward, Acquiring WD product will be more sort of gambling which i hate…Money is hard and WD seems to care very little. i will definitely agree wd makes great products but if they do commit/have some mistakes on their end, their level of maturity and responsibility of being able to fix it is very low…

This issue is not like data loss or something else like device failed within a week of use…its like i haven’t even be able to use it for 1 session and all the money you paid for the product seems to be wasted or burnt into Ashes.

Also little bit hesitant to make changes to the registry as i dont want the new value which i set to cause any issue with already working drives…i will think harder on what i should be doing next to resolve the issue smoothly. I will update this same thread as soon as status changes/improves.

Alright, i have entirely shucked the drive and placed it inside the enclosure…

Now windows shows up the disk name info on the disk management but the problem still persists…

the name of the above image WD60 EDAZ should match the drive image which i posted.

Also, It is showing 0MB, 0 bytes in properties → Volumes

As soon as i open Disk Management, The following window shows up

While i click ok, it shows up an error

After shucking the drive, Event ID 154 error seems to be gone …Now, a couple of warning seems to be logged

its Event ID 153

This seems to be a more complex problem to fix…

@Cerberus If windows disk management in and of itself is unable to fix/do something, then i highly doubt these 3rd party softwares can fix/do it…

Anyway, I still went ahead and installed it just for you

you can clearly see disk management was able to detect the disk and the Minitool partition couldn’t

Also, here is cmd diskpart error

Also on the delivery day, something unusual happened on the amazon end…

i should have cancelled the order as it was also cash on delivery… But made a mistake and accepted that package… More than losing money , its lack of response and customer support from WD is what bothering me… Filling up the form and submitting the case also seems useless as i haven’t got a reply yet and its been 3 days now… i would be surprised if someone can acknowledge WD’s india 1800 customer care number is working on actually resolving issues.

The negative part of mind is slowly developing hatred towards wd but another part of me is still fighting it and seeking for forgiveness for WD and trying hard to forget about this bad incident… But one thing for sure, WD has killed the joy of purchasing New HDDs and created the fear of getting new hdds as the chance of having a similar issue on another new drive seems to be increasing… I guess i wont be buying HDDs anytime soon whereas i usually used to buy hdds every 2 months once. In Simple terms, the next HDDs which i get from wd wont be out of love but only be out of need…This also means no more excitement, no more joy upon unboxing, no emotional feeling towards the brand…etc

i do encounter issues now and then very often and will eventually have a fix for them But however for this issue which is happening on a new drive and not having a clear answer or solution is very upsetting. But i guess that’s the world we are living in and will just have to live with the pain.

why does the other guy deleted all his replies, very annoying to see people behave this way…

New updates will be posted here


Oh, I had a similar case - Open Disk Management in Windows and check if the disk is recognized there. If it shows up as “Unknown” or “Not initialized”, try initializing it, but it sounds like you’ve already tried that to no avail. A GPT conversion error may indicate a deeper problem with the disk. Maybe it will help

The Issue is Fixed

See update here


@Arun07 Thank you for the update, :slight_smile: