Live tv lost Deezer

Hello, recently my live tv WDBAAP0000NBK has lost Deezer, when I press the app I get a message saying folder has no media. Tried reset, factory restore, rolled back firmware, to no avail. Help.

same here. are there any further services expected to be switched off because of discontinued support? what’s going on, WD?

Glad I wasn’t the only one, I have logged a call with CS, I will share their response.

thank you!

Got this, however did not work for me.
Thank you for contacting Western Digital Customer Service and Support.

I am very sorry to hear what happened. I apologize for the inconvenience.

Reset WDTV to factory defaults
Manually edit the DNS on the WDTV to
Reboot your network, modem, router and wdtv
I then got this
I am very sorry for the continued inconvenience. Their is no further troubleshooting to do on this unit. Based on the model number of the unit in this case, this is a WD TV HD Media Player. If this is the correct model, this product is no longer being manufactured. This unit is end of life, this means there are no further updates for this product.

Looks like the bin for wdtv