Deezer gone?

Hello, recently my live tv WDBAAP0000NBK has lost Deezer, when I press the app I get a message saying folder has no media. Tried reset, factory restore, rolled back firmware, to no avail. Help.

Hi deskpro, I recommend you to contact tech support directly for this one.

It’s been unavailable for over month. No any comments from support yet

Both my wdtvlive players lost Deezer about a month ago (On the same day), I got no help from Deezer tech support they just said to to make sure the players have the latest firmware which they do. I’ve since stopped my preimium account because Deezer is now unuseable.

Hi deskpro. I’ve the same issue when accessing Deezer from my wd live TV. Did you get any response from wd support?

Have the same problem, it seemed to be unavailable after the DDoS attack around 6/7th June, I assumed they were related and awaiting Deezer to fix, but seems to have gone for too long now.


Deezer  is not working

Flik’r is not working (same message saying  "there is no media …)

Could WD tell us what is the issue with old wdtv devices.

I have recived confirmation from WD Support:

Deezer service has stopped supporting Deezer on old version of WD TV Live Media Player.


Сожалеем, но мы  вынуждены Вам сообщить, что Deezer  более не будет доступен на старых моделях WD TV Live >>Media Player.
На решение Deezer сервиса.

I will avoid buying any product from WD since this moment as well as to recommend anyone else.

Hi owler,

It is not acceptable the support replied : no more Deezer with old wdtv box.

Also the issue is the same with Flik’r .

Many users are impacted.

I bought the box and nowhere i read Deezer and Flik’r will not work after several years.

So the solution is not to buy a new wdtv to have these features back again.
