Language: Dutch?


when I look at the firmware update page, it says that language “Dutch” is added in the latest firmware release (WD TV Live, rel. 1.06.15). I have this firmware installed, but I don’t seem to find this in the language list. I can find “Deutsch”, but did anyone find “Dutch” (as spoken in the Netherlands and Belgium)?



Interesting.  It says it on the “Cover Page,”

I don’t see anywhere it says Dutch was added in the Release notes.

I don’t see anywhere on the release notes where it says ‘Completely messes up auto-detect framerate’ either…  : )

They usually list it in the native language so when set to English it would read “Deutsch” instead of “German”. Dutch is listed as “Nederlands”, just click down 13x.

hmm… Strange… The 13-th language on my list is something Asian (Can 't read it, sorry ;-), number 14 is “Polski”. (Running 1.06.15_V).

Any idea what could be my problem?



D’uh, my bad. I had too many tabs open to realize you were talking about the LIVE and no the LIVE SMP. Apparently the LIVE does not  have a Dutch interface yet.