Its possible install ps3netsrv on MyBookLive 3tb?

hi everybody

i want to install ps3netsrv app on wd mybooklive.

i am going to load my Playstation 3 games and i will use with mutiman and cfw Playstation 3


PS3netsrv stream PS3 Iso thought your gigabit network to your PS3, usefull if your BD reader is dead.

the module on first install create a directory /raid/data/PS3_ISO, you have to create a share within the webui of your Thecus called PS3_ISO
the application listen on port 38008
the applciaction accept all device on netwrok (

It needs to be built/compiled with 64K page size memory patch. but how ?

here is te linux code adress.–

On WD my cloud its possible

Sorry for copy/paste…thanks very much.

-------Solved here:

Hi there,

I haven’t tried this, lets see if another user can share some information on how to install this on the unit and some tips.

Never done it, but if you are looking to compile your own package…

Very difficult for me. I´m a noob in linux.

It´s same procedure like wd my cluud?


I would say no, since they both have different Linux flavors.