I can not access device manager of my cloud home

Recently I got a my cloud home and cannot access the “manage device” settings because it say I’m not in the local network.

The thing is if I open the android app it says I’m local but if I open the browser on android or pc (even connected with ethernet to the same router) it says that it’s on relay. I do not have VPNs nor any antivirus firewall protection, only microsoft defender, my router has UPnP enabled

How do I fix this?

I’m having the same issue on two different PCs, have tried rebooting the PC and restarting the my cloud home.

I have already enabled that and I can see it and use it in my pc

But my connection is still relay

I was having the same issue. There appear to be two pages relating to management of the My Cloud Home. I had been going onto the settings page after logging in to https://home.mycloud.com/ - this page’s address shows as My Cloud Home. On my PCs this always shows the ‘Connection Type’ as Relay, and ‘Manage Device’ does not work.

However, if you use NoPlex’s method (typing the MCH IP address into a browser) and log in, a different page appears ( My Cloud Home - Home) which allows turning on of the local Network access, and creation of a local username and password. I then used the Windows command prompt to map the drive, using the ‘net use’ command with the user and password options set to the local MCH username and password.

The command below is similar to the one I used, I have hidden the IP address, WDHname is the local username, password is the local password.

C:\Users\PC>net use y: \...**\WDHname password /user:WDHname

There is a good guide to the net use command here

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Thanks - I didn’t realise that there are two different pages for altering settings on the MCH.