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Sorry for my English I’m french and uses google translation.
I have a WD TV Media Player under the latest firmware 1.03.07 and hopelessly trying to view the contents of xml file each movie made with WDTVHubGen application. I have jpg (movie poster) but no content xml file? I have only N / A.
On the forum it looks simple but I need your help I do not understand why the xml are not displayed.
In folder by genre, i have movies (.mkv), picture (.jpg) OK and .xml genereed via WDTVHubGen.
But for each movie i have N/A !?
Precision my files are located on a WD My Cloud
Thank you Joey for your aswer.
I did not understand why it was not working. So you confirm that the WD TV Media Player can not read the .xml in the movies directory and must therefore go through this trick?
I will try this Trick… but it is a pity that it does not work with XML files in the directory. If the trick works, it is not a solution to create a directory for each movie.
Yes i have a Network Share and WD TV Mediatheque create a hidden folder name .“wd_tv” on my movies folder.
Thank you for your answers, but I give up.
I tried the trick but it does not work.
If I create a directory for each movie, and search with Flixster. The search put an .xml and .Metathumb in the directory of each movie (find) but nothing appears after (N/A) and impossible to put my own information with my own xml.