Hi guys.
I have a My Cloud EX04 the problem is I make a main shard folder and add accesses users and right after create new subfolder under main shard folder i try to give some users only accesses users and right but I cannot do it. pleas can tell me how to given subfolder to accesses user and right?
Thank You.
You don’t. You make the SHARES with specific permissions, not sub folders.
Thank you for reply me, but i don’t understand what you say.
This the my point.
I have a 10 user and create a “Test 01” shared folder and add 10 users in this folder. after creating “sub 01” sub folder under “test 01” shared folder. now I want to add only 2 users access this folder. but i fail do it. I want to know how to add “sub 01” sub folder users and permission.
As I said, you can’t. Permissions are managed by SHARE, not by FOLDER.