HELP! Possible power surge?

Hi All,

Need some major help.

Ive been a right douche bag and this afternoon I got the laptop power cable and my WD external HDD power cable somehow mixed up and tried to plug my laptop cable into the actual drive. The little white light flashed briefly as i quickly realised and swapped the cable round. Now I get nothing at all from the drive! AARRRGGGHH!!

I really need to get my data off it. Not bothered about the music, its more all my photos of my daughter from birth and videos of her as shes grown up. Can ANYONE suggest anything of use I can try??



I take it the drive is not spinning up any longer?

What is the drive? mybook or elements?

if the drive is embryo or elements you need to pull the drive out of the enclosure, and visually inspect extent of the damage.

You’ve either burnt the bridge board or drives PCB or both. Once you pull the drive out see for burn marks on both boards.

If the damage is on the bridge board, then look for identical part number bridge board on eBay. If the main PCB on the drive is damaged, you need to snap some pictures and post them up here. I will help out upon your response


Please advise the board number which is etched on the PCB.