Help me please! external hard disk undetactable!

Hi there, my name is Ed, my external hard disk is model: WDBPCK0010BBK-01, when i plugged in the USB 3 to my laptop, it is undetectable, after that i try to go device manager there,  it does show the hard drive name but when i am trying to check from disk management, the status is showing "disk 1 unknown Not initialize. When im do the right-click and try to initialize the disk, there are 2 options that i can’t really work with because it was pop up another window: “the perform  could not be performed becauseof and I/O devic error”.

after that im trying to access bios to read what happen. When is do the Diskpart —> list disk → it is showing the disk 1 status is online but the size is 0b, oh my god, what happened to my hardisk?

anyone able to give me a hand to solve it??? please!!!

i got mostly my working data into this hard disk, please help.

Could be a corrupted partition or bad interface cable.

Does the drive work with another computer?

Try the drive with a different cable and make sure to test with Data Lifeguard Diagnostics.

To test the drive: