HDD waking up from sleep every hour

Enable ssh and ssh into your mycloud:

Windows/Putty: sshd@mycloudip (into Host Name (or IP address) (Port 22) (SSH)
Linux: ssh sshd@mycloudip (terminal)

Type in your password.

Then type ‘restsdk.sh stop’ (‘mysqladmin shutdown’ maybe as well). It should stop indexing so much although yours look rather aggressive. :open_mouth:

The next stuff is just suggestions and properly not needed if you don’t like to mess with it to much. :slight_smile:

Evt. check what’s going on by typing ‘vi /var/log/user.log’ inside of the mycloud. Or ‘top’ (‘q’ to quit). typing ‘exit’ will logout.

A user in this forum found it also was related to a cronjob. Type ‘crontab -e’ to enter editor and put in # in front of a line like so:

#0 */4 * * * /usr/sbin/rlog -s /usr/local/modules/files/syslog_rotate.conf

Although i panicked and inserted # in front of it all both with ‘vi /var/spool/cron/crontabs/root’, ‘vi /etc/cron.d/wdlog’ and deleted the stupid sh shortcuts files inside of ‘/usr/local/sbin/’ (using f.eks. ‘rm /usr/local/sbin/PullWdlogConfig.sh’) (PullWdlogConfig.sh, getAgreement.sh, wdLogUploader.sh, cleanAlert.sh and /usr/sbin/rt_script.sh).

Other files that can be either #'ed or deleted ‘/etc/nas/wdlog.ini’ (the latter might stop the user.log from running after a while) and ‘/usr/local/config/wdlog.conf’.

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