[GUIDE] Installing qBittorrent on WD My Cloud for n00bs

This one. Tried it with and with and without a & and still have the same issue.

Which one?? I don’t see the exact command you tried…that’s what I asked you to post. Oh well…I can’t help you blindly not knowing what exactly you tried.


sorry this command :slight_smile:

I’ve also tried these steps:

Link to download QBittorrent_nox init.d Daemon startup

Installation steps

  1. Download qbittorrent-rc-install.tgz by clicking the above link and save your file into your WDMyCloud  Public folder

  2. SSH into your WDMyCloud and enter the following BASH command at Linux shell

    WDMyCloud:/# cd /                               *** change to root directory **

    WDMyCloud:/# tar zxfv /nfs/Public/qbittorrent-rc-install.tgz    *** tar gunzip and install Debian rc for Qbittorrent-nox ***

    WDMyCloud:/# service qbittorrent-nox-daemon restart        *** force restart of qbittorrent-nox daemon ***

    WDMyCloud:/# service qbittorrent-nox-daemon status        *** Should display [ok] qbittorrent-nox is running. **
3. If #2 is shows qbittorrent-nox daemon is running,  You’re all set and http://wdmycloud:8080 and login with admin and password adminadmin to being your fast torrent download 

And if i reboot the drive, qbittorrent will boot automatically ?

johnsheppardwd wrote:

And if i reboot the drive, qbittorrent will boot automatically ?

If you have installed the init.d rc.tgz file from link below,  qBittorrent will load itself via /etc/init.d/qbittorrent-nox-daemon whenever system boot up.

Link to download qbittorrent-rc-install.tgz

Yo_Bubba wrote:

johnsheppardwd wrote:

I have seen that the CPU is loaded at 100% with QBT. 

Maybe is there some tweaks do to so it will work better and not overheat the CPU ?



Unlike Transmission which is written in Java,  Qbittorrent is written is C++ and compiled into a single binary file.  It don’t have a .conf  files like transmission does.  The only interaction is via argv at command line.  


I’ve not had a chance to max out the torrent session, I was running at max about 3 download and CPU load seems normal at about 12-20% CPU utilization.   Like you have mentioned,  I like download speed as compared to Transmission.  Get my torrent quicker.




That means i have some issues with my qbittorrent ? 

My CPU is at 135% when downloading a torrent

I have attachet a screenshot

Hello guys.

Did anyone of you found a way to use qbittorrent on v4? I stupid updated without reading -_-

Yo_Bubba wrote:

johnsheppardwd wrote:

This is a tutorial for installing qBittorrent on WD My Cloud. In order for this to work, you need to be on the old v03.04.01-230 firmware.


You can downgrade using Yo_Bubba’s tutorial from here



In my opinion, QBT is better than transmission because you have more download speed. For example, i am downloading with a speed between 7 to 10 MB/s, while in transmission i could not get more than 5 MB/s. 


Please note: WD does not support installing 3rd party apps on the WD My Cloud. If you do, you do so at your own risk.


Let’s get to work. 


1. Connect via SSH to your My Cloud and run the following command:

apt-get install qbittorrent-nox

2. Start QBT with this command:



3.After the install, get to the interface via your favorite browser, and type the following into the adress bar:



You can use the following credentials: 

User: admin
Password: adminadmin


It is recommended to change this credentials as soon as possible.


That’s it. 




I will get back to you after i set it to start automatically and manage to tune it a bit. 






Read a couple of posting that Qbittorrent_nox  is faster than Transmission.  I just got it installed, but package does not comes with any Debian rc start up.  The link below contain a tar gz file that will install my scripts containing all the necessary rc startup.


Link to download QBittorrent_nox init.d Daemon startup


Installation steps

  1. Download qbittorrent-rc-install.tgz by clicking the above link and save your file into your WDMyCloud  Public folder
  1. SSH into your WDMyCloud and enter the following BASH command at Linux shell

    WDMyCloud:/# cd /                               *** change to root directory **

    WDMyCloud:/# tar zxfv /nfs/Public/qbittorrent-rc-install.tgz    *** tar gunzip and install Debian rc for Qbittorrent-nox ***

    WDMyCloud:/# service qbittorrent-nox-daemon restart        *** force restart of qbittorrent-nox daemon ***

    WDMyCloud:/# service qbittorrent-nox-daemon status        *** Should display [ok] qbittorrent-nox is running. **
3. If #2 is shows qbittorrent-nox daemon is running,  You’re all set and http://wdmycloud:8080 and login with admin and password adminadmin to being your fast torrent download :wink:




Hi, I folowed your guide and works great, I would just like to upgrade qbittorent-nox to the latest version. How can i do that?

When im tyrying to upgrade through apt-get update, its informing me, that i have the latest version (2.9…). 

Yo, Bubba?


I was trying to update qBittorrent to the latest version, 3.1.11 ( https://packages.debian.org/search?suite=all&section=all&arch=any&searchon=names&keywords=qbittorrent-nox)..)

But I find dependencies issues:

# echo deb http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/ sid main >> /etc/apt/sources.list
# apt-get update
# apt-get install qbittorrent-nox
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
You might want to run 'apt-get -f install' to correct these:
The following packages have unmet dependencies:
 libc-bin : Depends: libc6 (< 2.18) but 2.19-12 is to be installed
 libtirpc1 : Breaks: nfs-common (< 1:1.2.8-7) but 1:1.2.6-3 is to be installed
             Breaks: nfs-kernel-server (< 1:1.2.8-7) but 1:1.2.6-3 is to be installed
 qbittorrent-nox : Depends: libboost-system1.55.0 but it is not going to be installed
                   Depends: libtorrent-rasterbar7 (>= 0.16.18) but 0.16.17-1 is to be installed
E: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify a solution).

 Anyone had this issue? Ideas?

If you’re installing it manually, then you can run it with this command:

qbittorrent-nox > /dev/null 2>&1 &

Worked for me at least.

No, but you could try downgrading.

Is there any advantage in the update?

Yo_Bubba wrote:



Read a couple of posting that Qbittorrent_nox  is faster than Transmission.  I just got it installed, but package does not comes with any Debian rc start up.  The link below contain a tar gz file that will install my scripts containing all the necessary rc startup.


Link to download QBittorrent_nox init.d Daemon startup


Installation steps

  1. Download qbittorrent-rc-install.tgz by clicking the above link and save your file into your WDMyCloud  Public folder
  1. SSH into your WDMyCloud and enter the following BASH command at Linux shell

    WDMyCloud:/# cd /                               *** change to root directory **

    WDMyCloud:/# tar zxfv /nfs/Public/qbittorrent-rc-install.tgz    *** tar gunzip and install Debian rc for Qbittorrent-nox ***

    WDMyCloud:/# service qbittorrent-nox-daemon restart        *** force restart of qbittorrent-nox daemon ***

    WDMyCloud:/# service qbittorrent-nox-daemon status        *** Should display [ok] qbittorrent-nox is running. **
3. If #2 is shows qbittorrent-nox daemon is running,  You’re all set and http://wdmycloud:8080 and login with admin and password adminadmin to being your fast torrent download :wink:




Your script works starts correctly the serviice, thanks.

The only thing is that it runs it as root, and all files aren’t writable by thte rest of the users.

What has to be changed from your script to run it as another user?

I tried simply changing the user, but then the service fails to load

I did all the steps, but this error appears:

WDMyCloud:~# apt-get install qbittorrent-nox
Reading package lists… Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information… Done
E: Unable to locate package qbittorrent-nox




Well, I purchased this other cloud:

My Cloud EX2


I hope not to have more headaches as I have with both MyCloud I bought…

But now I want to “play” with the other two MyCloud, just so I will forget the problems and I will learn about Linux!!!

Could someone explain how I can do this:

I did all the steps, but this error appears:

WDMyCloud:~# apt-get install qbittorrent-nox
Reading package lists… Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information… Done
E: Unable to locate package qbittorrent-nox




Someone, please?

Could someone explain how I can do this:

I did all the steps, but this error appears:

WDMyCloud:~# apt-get install qbittorrent-nox
Reading package lists… Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information… Done
E: Unable to locate package qbittorrent-nox




Did you try Yo_Bubba’s way?

Third or so post.


My first steps with MyCloud 2TB. Trying to install qbittorrent-nox but have some issues. I tried first with the OP method but found the same error that @JScript found. Then I tried to do it manually with @Yo_Bubba 's method and this is what I get. I’ll paste the entire code sequence.

ZapaCloud:~# apt-get install qbittorrent-nox
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
E: Unable to locate package qbittorrent-nox
ZapaCloud:~# cd/
-bash: cd/: No such file or directory
ZapaCloud:~# tar zxfv /nfs/Public/qbittorrent-rc-install.tgz
ZapaCloud:~# service qbittorrent-nox-daemon restart
qbittorrent-nox-daemon: unrecognized service
ZapaCloud:~# service qbittorrent-nox-daemon status
qbittorrent-nox-daemon: unrecognized service

I’m not very familiar with Linux although I know it but looks like the service has to be registered some way. Any ideas?

Thank you all!

Are you on the OLD firmware?

As the tutorial says, “In order for this to work, you need to be on the old v03.04.01-230 firmware.”

Yes! It was the first thing I did :smile: