Go/clone from large drive to smaller and 512 sector to 4k sector

Help. I have a SAMSUNG HM640JJ 640GB drive that failed but is working fine now. I bought a Western Digital Scorpio Black wd5000bpkt since I dont need even 500GB since all my data (photos and video) are kept on double backed up external WD drives.

I now want to clone my Samsung to my WD, 1st problem is that the WD is smaller so it wont let me just clone… Then I rwad how since people are going from disk drives to SSD… That I could use EaseUS Partition Master… But now I get an error that the sector size is not identical. Samsung is 512 and WD is 4k.

B\c my samsung failed i restored it and it reallty has no data on it other then the recovery partition. My plan was to just clone the drives and then do a system restore from the recovery partition on the new WD drive to do a clean system install…

Please help… How do I clone from the larger samsung to the smaller WD and how does the sector size come into play…?


You can use software to emulate the 512 sector and clone the drive

Any suggestion on a software to use… Tutorial? :slight_smile: Thx