General Feedback - WD My Cloud OS 3 Operating Software

Check the /var/log/user.log for the messages below. These messages are caused by the process
restsdk-serverd. If you go to /etc/rc2.d and do the following: sh S20restsdk-serverd stop
That will stop the error messages which get written every ten seconds.

2015-10-31T16:02:17.263205-04:00 di=TCG2w1CF6F notice restsdk[7005]: paths.go:49: Could not dial crawler socket at ‘/tmp/WDMCRequest.socket’, error: dial unix /tmp/WDMCRequest.socket: connect: connection refused
2015-10-31T16:02:26.326132-04:00 di=TCG2w1CF6F notice restsdk[7005]: watch.go:109: Stat(), error: stat /tmp/dynamicconfig.ini: no such file or directory