So after some work i’ve gotten “flexget” to work on the ed cloud drive. I had been inquriing about it on these forums, but no one helped, so i helped myself and now would like to help others. This is a very basic guide, feel free to make it look nice and create a new thread.
Thank me if this was helpful
******This voids warranty, I’m not responsible for any of your losses etc etc…*******
This was done on WD drive running an older firmware, NOT 4.x… release
I have successfully been able to get get flexget get working on the WD my cloud drive…
Note, I had Transmission already installed and setup before. Just had to install “transmissionrpc” to make it work with flex
basically the steps were something like:
- Log in through ssh
- Remove wd-nas component links in dpkg database:
rm -f /var/lib/dpkg/info/wd-nas.*
3. Run the following commands:
apt-get update
apt-get install python-pip
pip install flexget
pip install transmissionrpc
easy_install --upgrade transmissionrpc
Once installed. Flexget requires a “config.yml” file to be read. When launched, by default it looks at /root/.flexget/config.yml
To launch flexget run: /usr/local/bin/flexget execute
NOTE: the config.yml can be an insaley complicated file and its ridiculously customizable. Im using a pretty simple config. Read on flexget’s site for guides and stuff.
My “Config.yml” file: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/4883446/config.yml
Please note that i just got this working and there might be some errors in my config file. However it seems to be functioning fine for the most part.
Some things to keep in mind:
1- if the config file is bad, flexget wont even launch and you will see errors righaway.
2- The indentation (tabs) in the config file are MANDATORY and have to be in a certain format. Read flex get’s wiki on that.