Firmware Version 1.13.18 Won't Connect to HDMI

After this upgrade all 3 of my WD TV Live Plus boxes quit connecting to my HDMI channels. I have gone into settings and changed the video output to HDMI, but that didn’t correct it. I now have to disconnect the power to the Live boxes to get them to connect to the HDMI channels all 3 TV’s.  Before this upgrade they worked perfectly and connected to the TV’s every time no matter what mode they were in when I turned them off. Someone else reported the same problem with turning it off while watching Netflix, but mine all seem to do the same thing no matter what I was watching. Any suggestions? 

Sorry mate, you might be confused.

The last firmware for the live plus is  Current Firmware - 1.06.42 (1/2013)

You might be talking about the WDTV Live Streaming.

After the update did you reset all the devices?

Try changing the cables or unplug all the cables and plug that back in…