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I’m doing a restore of my DX4000 NAS with PANAM_SvrRecovery_01_07_05_17.iso. It runs for about 3-4 hours then errors with code 0x80070570.
I know the drives are fine as I can restore with PANAM_SvrRecovery_01_05_08_31.iso and it works. But this ISO has the issue with the outdated IIS certificate. So once it finishes, I cannot get to the web interface to complete the setup.
My setup is (4) drives @ 3TB each. All the same make and model drive.
You need to get a md5 hash thing to make sure you have a good download. That is normally the problem.
I have no idea what the cert issue is about? You have a link for that?
What you could do is do the restore that works and remote to the server desktop. User Administrator Pass: Admin and the wizard should be open to click next on. Would not require a website to get to the wizard.
And or while on the server desktop renew the cert?
So I was able to restore with the PANAM_SvrRecovery_01_05_08_31.iso image. I was also able to remote into the server. However, it still gives me the Error 503 “Service Not Available”. Below is a link to the cert error I believe I’m getting.
Well that is sad, just too old… I am pretty sure they are self signed certs, just have to figure out which one is expired but the fresher ISO would be the best path.
Like I said you need a hash file to check your download or download it again anyway. Did wd support send you a link for the download you are using?
I called WD Support and they sent me a link to PANAM_SvrRecovery_1_7_6_21_.iso
In short, its now working. Here are the steps I took.
Wiped each of my 4 drives using a HDD dock and Disk Part with the CLEAN command.
Created a USB drive to reset the storage.
Reset the storage of the NAS.
Created a second thumb drive with the latest restore build.
Started the restore and choose NOT to format, but to just restore the system partition to factory settings.
Went to lunch.
Came back and it had an IP address and I was able to remote in a continue the setup.
Its now sitting at Initial Config. 0%. I read in other posts that is you choose to do the updates this can take a few hours. So going to let it sit for now and see how it goes.