Dolby Digital audio bug for 3.01.19 when playing files

Just letting everyone know.  When I upgraded to 3.01.19 (from 2.08, not 3.00) my receiver (McIntosh Mx-132 pre/pro) started playing dolby digital files as rapid clicking sound only.  Video seemed to play correctly.  DTS worked.  Interestingly, netflix 5.1 still played correctly (since I thought that was dolby digital too).  Problem seems to be specific to dolby digital files, either from internal hard drive or network storage (mybookworld).  Anyone else?

I’m having a problem with AC3 as well, not rapid clicking, just no sound at all.

I thought it might be my receiver, which is fairly old (Yamaha DSP-A1), but playing from a standalone DVD player with AC3 (Dolby Digital) via optical is good.

My equipment is connected as follows for audio:

WD Live Hub > Optical > Yamaha DSP-A1 (no AC3)

Zenith DVB-318 > Optical > Yamaha DSP-A1 (AC3 good)

XBox 360 > Optical > Yamaha DSP-A1 (

All video is via discrete inputs from component to TV.

Initially, I was having a problem with mkv’s on the Hub, internal and external drive, where anything with AC3 at 640K would have pops, but that’s probably because of my receiver which may only support 448K AC3. After this recent firmware update, NO Dolby Digital is playing.

I have tried taking previously working mkv’s and converting the 640K AC3 to 448K AC3 and remuxing…no sound. Even ones that had 448K AC3 to start with are not playing with sound. Video is fine. DTS is fine. AAC is fine.

I’m assuming this is with optical?

Have you tried pulling the optical cable briefly and putting it back in to see if the reciever syncs up the stream.   I think WD has some sort of problem with telling the reciever to change modes.   Handshaking or something, I have looked at what’s required for toslink, perhaps the laser needs to be off for so many ms/us before starting a new data stream.

I have problem since updated to 3.01.19 firmware.My sound is no longer working correctly.No matter if i leave in stereo or to DTS it comes out as PCM which only allows my two front&center speaker to work&not get full 7.1 sound.If i reset everything the sound works ok,till i go to watch a movie then after that its three speakers.Ive reformated the disk manager to set it back to shop settings,wiped every file put on it,hit reset button on bottom of it&nothings changed.One thing have noticed you carnt delet the meta source manager which could be part of the problem &since carnt google to see what its for.I run picture&sound through HDMI cables,so running it best way that its capable of doing.I carnt just keep on reseting&reformating it every time i want to use it.Can some one please help.Thanks

Since i updated to to 3.01.19 the audio on all my BluRay rips no longer works. worked fine before. guess i will roll back

I know for a fact that firmware 3.0 and up has an Optical problem I had to switch to HDMI for my audio and all is well with me

I agree. Once I reverted back to 2.08.13 the TosLink worked fine again…

I have the very same problem, only with dolby digital files, when I turn it off in settings it will play, but only stereo. If I put it back on the sound is scratching or ticking or something. DTS work fine to, downgrading was fine and it worked again. But I like the new update so I REALLY hope they will fix this bug


Back again with the same bug from 3.01.19, still on 3.03.13.

Western Digital, listen!

Dolby Digital via optical is broken on the past two releases. Switch DD to stereo output and it’s fine. Roll back firmware to 3.00.28 and all is fine.

Fix this, please.

Feel free to Kudos my issue higher if you’re experiencing problems with multichannel audio through optical.