O also forgot after I had the Audio working I loaded up Netflix and behold there was no audio AGAIN! even through HDMI or using the optical cable. Exit and played a HD video with DTS and the audio worked fine, fired up Netflix yet again and this time the audio worked, sorry for the double post. Clearly it’s a audio problem how long will it take to fix don’t know don’t care because I’m not turning the WD TV Live off again unless the power goes out that’ll be the only way. Plus the Video flick’s every now and then could it be my cable again don’t know and don’t care, just thought you guys many want to know Thanks again and good luck.
If I have anymore problems with the WD TV Live I’ll just post a video of the bug, but as of now I did fine something else, when I use the optical I only get following:
AAC Capable Receiver (Receiver not supported)
Dolby Digital Capable Receiver ( Works)
DTS Capable Receiver (Works)
WMP Pro Capable Receiver (Receiver not supported)
If I was to use the HDMI for Audio and Video using the Manual setting I get the following:
AAC Capable Receiver (Receiver not supported)
Dolby Digital Plus Capable Receiver ( Works)
Dolby Digital Capable Receiver ( Works)
DTS Capable Receiver (Works)
Dolby TrueHD (Works)
WMP Pro Capable Receiver (Receiver not supported)
I have no problem playing HD content from the PlayStation 3 using the Optical hook up to the Onkyo Recevier HT-S3500 and I get Dolby Digital Plus just looking at the bite rate on the PS3 and you can see that. So if I was to use only the Optical for Sound I get no Dolby Digital Plus okay theres something wrong here.
Found out the flickering problem last night it’s the Onkyo Recevier HT-S3500 at the time my intention was to use only the Recevier for sound and put the HDMI right in the HDTV, witch by the way I’ll be doing after with new HDMI cables. So are you capable of using the Optical with Dolby Digital Plus or am i just crazy don’t answer that because I know I’m.