Docker un docked?

I just went to and see that there is no mention of docker. Is WD no longer using docker (or supporting the use of docker) for our drives?

Perhaps it would be best to ask WD Support directly about this via E-mail in the following link:

Try to provide as many details as possible related to your inquiry. If need be, they may request additional information.

I did, and they didn’t know what docker was. :frowning:

Hi Rob,

I would say docker is still supported, I set up a TS3 server in docker container yesterday.

Thanks for the info… I am just concerned that they no longer mention it on their sdk / developer page.


Check out the discussion on this thread : Looks like WD silently dropped docker support :frowning:



If you follow this thread, you will see that on Jan 2 I wrote to support, but they did not know “docker.”

On Jan 11, I wrote to and said:


When trying to run a simple “docker ps” from the ssh access,

I get a
“Cannot connect to the Docker daemon. Is ‘docker -d’ running on this host?”

This has been persistent for about 3 weeks. Can you suggest a way to fix this?


Today, Mar 29th, I received a reply:

We have deprecated the Docker support on Mycloud.

Thank you.

  • My Cloud Developer support team

Hi @robclay,

I have an EX4100 with the latest firmware and a docker container running as per the following:

root@WDMyCloudEX4100 root # docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND                CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                                                                             NAMES
b0cf4a948d6e        softether           "/usr/local/vpnserve   5 months ago        Up 5 days           443/tcp, 992/tcp, 500/udp, 1194/udp, 1194/tcp, 4500/udp,>5555/tcp   cocky_newton
root@WDMyCloudEX4100 root #

Are you sure you are running the “docker ps” commands as the root user ? I’ve seen similar messages if run as a non-root user.

The references to the SDK v1 are still available in web archives such as My Cloud Developer

