Device locks up when I plug in an external harddrive

Dutch24 wrote:

This problem occured only recently. Everything seemed to work fine for a month or so until last week: complete lock up of my 3TB MyCloud. Attached was a 4 TB USB3 My Book, which is structurally attached to the My Cloud. After power down and restart the same thing occured with 1 TB 2.5" Essentials USB3 disk.

Latest firmware (_03.04.01-219) _installed. Strange statements in the release notes: “Resolved issue of a USB drive named as “backup” will not mount when attached to the USB expansion port.” Does that mean that it will still lock up when the USB drive has a name other then “backup”? Should I rename the USB drive into “backup” now?

there is a solution…

Solution last words - disconnection from network & USB attachment followed by disconnection