CoCo (Linksheet)


That looks cool !

Looks nice flhthemi.

But probably not, at least not anytime soon as it takes a lot more work than just changing the background.

Right now I’m in a hold pattern anyway and have put theme development on pause.

Tinwarble wrote:

Looks nice flhthemi.


But probably not, at least not anytime soon as it takes a lot more work than just changing the background.


Right now I’m in a hold pattern anyway and have put theme development on pause.


Would you mind if I tinkered with it? I promise not to ask ANY questions. :wink:

Nope, don’t mind.  Tinker to your hearts desire as long as your tinkering is just for yourself.

Nope…totally for my own amazement, thanks!

Great looking theme. Is there a template for music/cds?

Not yet, I haven’t even began to work on linksheets for music yet.

That will come some time later though as soon as I can work out how to incorporate some of the common elements.

What a great looking theme. 

I’m new to this and trying hard to get any movie sheet to work. Still working. I have a new WD TV LIve, and the most up to date firmware. I have thumbs working, but no movie sheets except the stock one. Working with Thumbgen with no issues. 

Is it possible to use these moviesheets with the latest firmware? In reading, it seems like it was easier in the older version to modify. I’ll stop banging my head if that is the case. 

Also surprised how hot this little box runs. Has me a little worried. 

Looking foward to getting this and my 2TB drive running over the next 2 weeks. Starting off with only 1 or 2 movies until I get this thing figured out. Worst case is to just use the WD formats, but something like this looks SO MUCH BETTER.  Just amazed at the time you have put in to create this. Thanks again for sharing. 

Moviesheets work fine for the lastest FW.

This theme was actually designed to work with the latest FW.

Thanks for the update.

Still not able to get these to work. Covers, but not the sheets. I have been reading for 2 weeks every link, and still not grasping how to get this to work. I’m close, and still banging away. Pretty soon I will actually watch a movie on this instead of just tweak it!!!

pwhitworth wrote:

Thanks for the update.


Still not able to get these to work. Covers, but not the sheets. I have been reading for 2 weeks every link, and still not grasping how to get this to work. I’m close, and still banging away. Pretty soon I will actually watch a movie on this instead of just tweak it!!!

1 - A movie sheet must be named the same as the movie including the file extension.

      Example: Batman Begins (2005).avi ← The movie

                      Batman Begins (2005).avi ← The sheet which at one time might have been named Batman Begins (2005).jpg

Thmbgen creates the movie sheet, if it is properly setup, with a name like this “Batman Begins (2005).avi.jpg”. You must _ rename _ that file to Batman Begins (2005).avi. NO .JPG extension!!

  1. Hidden files and folders must be visable in Windows so that you can see the folder “.wd_tv” on the Hub’s internal drive. It contains a folder named “theme”. Inside that folder should be one named “Coco (Linksheet)”.

  2. You _ must _ copy the renamed Batman Begins (2005).avi (yes, the one that WAS Batman Begins (2005).avi.jpg) file into the “Coco (Linksheet)” folder.

  3. Using a “linksheet theme” requires some additional maintenance on your part as well, after you get it all working. If you decide you’re done with a movie, simply deleting it from your movie folder isn’t the end. You’ll have to delete it, the cover .jpg file and the sheet file for it from .wd_tv\theme\Coco (Linksheet) folder as well and possibly some other files depending what Thumbgen is setup to create for you.

You need a decent knowledge of how to change things in your Windows OS and how to rename files. If you don’t have that, and I’m not being mean as I don’t even know you, you’ll most likely have a lot of problems with any theme working for you. This is not hard to learn and once you have done it a few times it is very easy to do. With the addition of a utility for renaming files in Windows it’s even painless. :slight_smile:

And remember, if you have a WDTV Live SMP … you’ve only got about 24 Megabytes of room for “Linksheets” to play with.

OK - this really helps. I am very comfortable naming, tweaking, moving, setting attributes, etc. I was not updating the folder on the unit.  I have been on at least 10 sites, read everything I can find, and this is the first time I have read about this folder. I told you I was close, and I can now get the sheets to show up on the WD TV, but it is on top of the movie info that is standard. Of course, this was with the XML file. Once I edit the WD-TV folder, I should be game on. 

Thanks again. Still learning and having fun. This is an amazing little box. 

**bleep**. Still not active. Here is what I have done

Using the WD TV Live, not the hub. Using a USB drive for now with 2 movies. Will use the hard drive once I have this working. 

Thumbgen using COCO profile.  generate a main sheet & cover

On the USB drive, in the folder WD_TV, created a folder THEME

Copied COCO (LINKSHEET) entire folder to THEME folder

Created folder PROMETHEUS with PROMETHEUS.MP4 in it

copied PROMETHEUS.JPG to the folder

copied the moviesheet to WD_TV/THEME/COC (LINKSHEET) - renamed to PROMETHEUS.MP4

The cover art still shows, but the theme on the Live is still MOCHI. No COCO for me.  I have also placed the moviesheet in the THEME folder, and this did not work. 

Am I missing a step? I have read the complete message, read the BLACK MAMBA to pick up tips. 

You should’ve searched this Forum on how to install themes for SMP.

Because you’ve got it completely wrong.

(This was posted in the wrong section, but it is a Guide to Installing Themes on the SMP)

P.S. Once you’ve copied the “Linksheets” into  the CoCo (Linksheet)  folder you then must ZIP it at Root Level using

No Compression (aka. Store in Winrar) and the “Submit”  CoCo (Linksheet).zip  to your SMP.

Also as stated previously, you have only got a 24MB of  free space for “Linksheets”   (The WDTV Live Hub has it’s 1TB Hdd to store Linksheets)

This theme is not for the SMP (this is what you have the WDTVLive Gen 3).  There is simply not enough space on the SMP to use linksheets.

Also, as Joey said, you are going about load themes on the SMP all wrong.  You can NOT place the theme on a USB drive to have it display, you can ONLY load the themes through the web interface.

Instructions a posted on my Darklight theme for the SMP.

To install the theme, download the zip file to your PC, open your web browser (I don’t recommend using IE9, there have been issues), then type your SMP’s IP address to open the Web UI.   Type in your password (the default is “admin”), click on the box next to “I accept” and then click on LOGIN, then click on “Appearance”, then click on “Browse” and navigate to where you saved the “Darklight.zjp” file, then click on “Open”.

Click on “Submit”, then once the Web UI finishes uploading the theme, on you SMP press “Setup” on your remote, select “Appearance”, then select “User Interface Themes”, select “Darklight” then when prompted select “Apply theme”.

Substitute “Darklight” for any other theme name.

As stated though, this theme is NOT FOR YOU.  You have a SMP and your are not going to be able to place enough foldersheets & moviesheets in the root of the theme folder for this theme to be useful.  For the SMP you need to use this  version of CoCo here:


I guess it might only be useful for “Genre Folder” Sheets on the SMP (Since Metadata is not displayed for folders) :neutral_face:

JoeySmyth wrote:



I guess it might only be useful for “Genre Folder” Sheets on the SMP (Since Metadata is not displayed for folders) :neutral_face:

Yeah, unless by the time I’m finished with the theme and it pushes to the 30MB limit, then there want be any room for any foldersheets.:cry:

Basically, unless there becomes an easy way to increase the theme size limit (doubtful) or there becomes some easy way to symlink the media files, I don’t really recommend using any linksheet themes on the SMP.

OK Joey & Tinwarble. Looks like my eyes are bigger than my stomach. Just caught up in how gorgeous this theme looks, and wanted to make it work. I will heed your advice and just stick to creating some nice looking covers, and use the sstock themes. I have read all of these documents, but it seems that so much of what I read was for previous firmware, that it was difficult to decipher what was relevant. 

Appreciate your responses. Moving on to creating the movie files for the hard drive, and a few tweaks for cover & movie data. 

pwhitworth wrote:

OK Joey & Tinwarble. Looks like my eyes are bigger than my stomach. Just caught up in how gorgeous this theme looks, and wanted to make it work. I will heed your advice and just stick to creating some nice looking covers, and use the sstock themes. I have read all of these documents, but it seems that so much of what I read was for previous firmware, that it was difficult to decipher what was relevant. 


Appreciate your responses. Moving on to creating the movie files for the hard drive, and a few tweaks for cover & movie data. 

You can always try the CoCo [non-linksheet] theme

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