Whoops. I may have goofed, post redacted for now.

I had exactly the same problem with an external drive connected. Right before I was to throw it in the trash I swapped the drive with a USB stick and have NEVER EVER since experienced freezes. Don’t ask me why, this is just strange! :open_mouth:

Totally unrelated issue. Sometimes with USB drives, if there is an issue with the Windows driver or the drive is failing, Windows goes a little bonkers and the system freezes up.

I had to replace non wd drives (seagate) with wd drives. It solved this kind of problem for me.

I wonder if the server issue is back, only because last couple days noticed lock ups on two out of our three boxes necessitating daily power cycling

yes here too, here we go again…

The god ■■■■ problem is back agian, ffs why are they doing this…? Please put the site back online again.

Both of my boxes were off but unresponsive to the remote when I got home today.

I just tried the website that was the previous cause, and it gives a 404 file or directory not found error. :thumbsdown:

WD - what are you playing at? !!! Get the site back online now

I don’t know if that site is back up or not. But the freezes have calmed down. Although I suspect there is still an issue as both boxes are causing the router Internet light to blink furiously. As if they are trying to reconcile something WD side and failing. I guess they’ll crash eventually. As soon as they are both unplugged the Internet trashing stops so I know they are both responsible. Just so hacked off with WD over this whole saga

Yes, the site is back online and responds to the query with data similar to Cause Freezing found! WD, PLEASE PUT THIS SITE BACK ON LINE ASAP! - #74 by Rudolpho

Down again as of 1:30 pm PDT: Server Error in ‘/’ Application.

Come on, WD! How difficult is it to maintain this? Or at least patch the firmware to stop incessantly pinging this website. Especially frustrating because I don’t use any of the online services, only to access files on my local network.

Yeah I’m the same as you. Only interested in streaming my local NAS content. As predicted one of the boxes froze. They obviously had it back up but now it’s down again then. I recycled the box but it’s still thrashing the router light. It’s a total joke from WD, really badly designed software that it’s so reliant on pinging this site.

This is getting really out of control, can’t believe WD won’t fix this issues

We need to all bombard WD with support cases and force them into action. Unless this is fixed asap I will never buy any of their products again - and will make sure I tell as many people as I can. I often get asked by my non techie friends and colleagues for opinions so I will be sure not to recommend WD

My box is unusable at the moment as it freezes within about 20-30 mins after incessant Internet trashing . A joke

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Working for me as of Apr 3rd 11:50am CEST.

This was the problem I got a few days ago

With me it seems to be the DNS
if I use my old DNS all is well but if I used my new DNS it slowed down
all seems okay now

Not for me. Just tried 5.45 pm UK time but it’s been down all day and I suspect all weekend. ■■■■■ big time especially as I only want to stream from local sources, don’t care about internet related stuff on it

Just watched a 43 min episode of a series (MP4) file whitout any freezing and buggings. Looks like the site is back online.

Yep. I power cycled again a short while ago. The router is not trashing the Internet light and no freeze. So looks like we are back in business. Not impressed with WD one bit though