Cannot disable the VCD (Passport Essential SE)

Have installed the WD smart ware.  Have installed the WD SES Device (shows ok in device manager).

Upgraded everything.

Want to disable the VCD, I follow this procedure: 

a. Click on the “Settings” the last tap to the right.  

b. “Drive Settings”

c.  “VCD”

d. Select the “Disable” to hide the VCD.

e. Recycle the power to the WD external drive.

Problem is that under Set up Drive, Drive Settings,  the VCD does not show.

Only shows Security,Registration,Diagnostics,Sleep timer, Drive Erase.

How then to disable the VCD ??

Its bye bye wd for me also if somone cant help with disabling VCD.  Have tried with Wdsmartware installed,

but in “settings”,  “setup drive”, no possiblities for this on the left side as it should.

Tried uninstall Wdsmartware,  and followed procedure for disabling VCD.  Here it cannot find the drive,

and aborts.  But the drive is found when I uldated firmware !!   And the passport drive shows ok

in explorer, and in “my computer”, but the vcd does NOT show in “my computer”.

Is the reason for this that the drive contains data ?  I cannot erase now !!

If the VCD does not show up, wouldn’t that mean that it’s hidden and needs no further “hiding”?

I’m not following.

Ok, tried to follow up on your suggestion:

1, uninstalled ses-device in device-manager (yes, it was there).

  1. disconnect wd.-drive, and reboot

  2. Checked that all remnants for wd-drive/ses-drive is gone, altso in registry (via superunistaller “Your uninstaller”)

  3. Reconnected the wd-drive, and it pops at once: "new hardware found, wd sesdrive "

So I am stuck, that is if i hav enot completly misunderstood.

Gratefull for furter advise.

SOLVED (in a strange way):

Remove smartware.

Restart with wd-device attached

In device manager,  DISABLE wd-ses-device. (not uninstall) which is at this stage lacking driver.

Reboot, and now “new hardware” is NOT found,  seems like the DISABLE is remembered

even if unit is unattached and/or pc rebooted.

Can anyone explain ??