Stopping the VCD from showing

hello everyone,

So I im not sure if i have the Passport essential or the essential SE. whats the diference. its only 500Gigs.

Anyways I have been using this a few times and it getting annoying seeing the WD virtual CD keep popping up everytime i plug my HDD in. 

I looked up hot to disable the VCD and the website says to update the firmware and the run the VCD manager.

I have been following all this correctly and STILL i cant disable the VCD on the HDD. 

I run the firmware update and it says its update, all i have to do is unplug it, restart my MacBook Pro and then plug it back it back in. 

It still says i have to update the firmware. I did this 10 times… Whats going on?

is their an alternative way to disable or get rid of the VCD so i dont have to see it again?

If anyone help i would really appreciate it

Thanks in advance!!!

I don’t know what you call it on a Mac. In Windows I went into the device manager and disable the VCD.


i tried doing that on my PC but it still didnt work