Cannot Delete Files/Directories - Even with SSH

I have a unit that I use with my Plex server to record shows via antenna. I sometimes run into issues where folders won’t delete which doesn’t cause issues, but this time it’s a file. The fact it’s a file, means I cannot remove it from Plex and it always shows.

I have tried everything I can find, changed all folders to 777 permissions (most were anyway) and then tried to delete it. All the folders plus the .MP4 get permission denied. For some reason the .TS file will sometimes here and there say input/output error instead, but it mostly shows permission denied.

The files are damaged as it was 5-6GB and now it’s 0.1KB. So it’s like it started to delete and then failed. Any help would be appreciated. Even though it’s not illegal, I still substituted the file names so no one has to worry about that.

even though I’m root and I shouldn’t have too, I tried using sudo to the same response of permission denied. Plex itself does create the files, but it won’t delete them. Never has, never will. I’ve tried with the Plex server shut down, tried rebooting the mycloud. No changes.

This is all under /shares and is currently on a USB drive attached to the NAS, but I’ve got the same issue with some old files on the NAS itself that give the same errors. I was able to delete about 20 directories with maybe 60 files, but this particular directory + 2 files and one other give me the same problem. So this usually doesn’t happen.

Firmware Version : 2.41.116

root@WDMyCloud TV Shows # rm -r ‘PLEXFOLDER’
rm: can’t remove ‘PLEXFOLDER/Season 01/PLEXVIDEO.ts’: Permission denied
rm: can’t remove ‘PLEXFOLDER/Season 01/Plex Versions/Optimized 186/PLEXFOLDER/S01E09.mp4’: Permission denied
rm: can’t remove ‘PLEXFOLDER/Season 01/Plex Versions/Optimized 186/PLEXFOLDER’: Directory not empty
rm: can’t remove ‘PLEXFOLDER/Season 01/Plex Versions/Optimized 186’: Directory not empty
rm: can’t remove ‘PLEXFOLDER/Season 01/Plex Versions’: Directory not empty
rm: can’t remove ‘PLEXFOLDER/Season 01’: Directory not empty
rm: can’t remove ‘PLEXFOLDER’: Directory not empty
root@WDMyCloud TV Shows # ls -al
drwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Sep 12 09:58 PLEXFOLDER