Can I back up 3 networked PC's on the My Book 2TB?

I have 2 PC"s and 1 Laptop networked together. I just installed the WDBACW00HBK-NES and it is shared over the network. Can I set it up to automatically backup all 3 computers?

I only have 379 GB files total on all 3 Hard Drives.

If so, what would be the proceedure?

Hello there,

You should be able to make the backups using WD SmartWare, get it at:

Simply run the SmartWare from each computer and you should be able to make the backups.

Hope this works :slight_smile:

Thanks, I am encouraged.

I set up SmartWare on my primary PC, did all the updating and it appears ready to work. My 80 year old brain is rather sluggish, are you saying to download SmartWare on the other 2 computers and operate it from each one?

That’s correct :slight_smile:

Thanks for the quick “happy” reply. Now I have 2 spare my book essentials to use to back up my Dish Network programs!

Forgive the Old Man.

I have SmartWare software installed on Don’s Desktop and Don’s Laptop:

I clicked WD SmartWare on both of the above and both go through Categorizing Your Files.

The Desktop Home page shows the Desktop and My Book.

The Laptop shows only the Laptop.

At the same time the Home, settings and Help tabs are highlighted, but the Backup and Retrieve tabs are not highlighted.

I obviously don’t know what I am doing and where to go from here.



I have a WD one TB My Book on a local network. I am using Windows Backup and Restore Center for a laptop and a desktop on the same network. If you are running Windows this is quite easy.
Frank GC - 83 year old brain

Thanks Frank, nice to be in such good company!

I have been using Windows backup with external drives on each, not knowing it would work over the network.

I’ll give it a try.


One tip that caused me some difficulty;
 I used  UNC addressing \EXTERNALDRIVE\FranksBackups\
I think I recall that a mapped network drive didn’t work
See attachrd screenshot