Best software for streaming video with ipad

I just bought the wd passport t2 wireless and was a bit disappointed that i could not straem video just by clicking on the video on the wd disk.
So need to find a good app for ipad,
Probably need also other programs for ebooks and music straith from the wireless disk?
Any suggestions?
also one for android phone.



AS Passport Wireless is equipeed with Twonky Media Server, you could give “Twonky Beam” a chance.
Found a thread here in the fourm:

Seems that “Twonky Beam” now is “Mediaplay”

“Twonky Beam” for Android is here (no clue why Japanese language appears here):
Having Android, you can take a look at MediaHouse too,

Anyway, Twonky on the Passport Wireless is full dlna-certified Media Server, so all your dlna-capable devices will see your Passport Wireless as dlna media server.

BTW: most ebooks are heavily secured with DRM Digital Rights Management. I don’t think that you can “share” this type of media so easily.

Hi, I am the guy whose thread about MediaPlay and Twonky Beam is referred to at the beginning of this thread. Although I like the two apps I discussed, my “go to” app on the iPad is the WD My Cloud app for video. It is a robust app for watching video on the iPad, and is designed to work well with the MPW and other WD “My Cloud” devices like my newer WD NAS / RAID box. There is an Android version of the app.

My Cloud is not as good for audio on I-Devices, and I prefer MediaPlay today for I-Devices . As for on an Android device like my Kindle, I like Avia app for music and video streaming from my MPW and WD NAS,.