ALL OF MY Cloud Problems Solved!

wtexas wrote:

I just about killed it with a baseball bat, on a Gigabit network, 30-60 Kb/s. I finally decided to listen to the posts about logging into the drive through SSH and killed the  wdphotodbmerger & wdmcserver services. 

That fixed it, transfer rates upwards of 30-40 MB/S sustained, at times as high as 70-80MB/S, no crashes, the drive even sleeps and access times to the interface and files through mapped drives are incredibly fast and reliable. 


WD SHOULD  add an option in the settings to allow the user to stop those processes, write somenthing like: 


"Would you like a fast experience? YES/NO

If you select YES, no thumbnails will be created and files will not be catalogued for user interface information.

If you need thumbnails, the drive will create them when you read the drive just as fast, nothing to loose here."


And set it to YES by default.


Optionally, write a firmware that will give priority to user access, and not the background processes. Background processes as it stands, have absolute and total priority over any user interaction.


The information you need to turn those services off is in


You will have to get a program to connect to the drive via SSH, there are a few options available.

I am waiting for a replacement drive, but I know what I will do first when I get the new unit to replace the one I have. 

Good luck, kill those processes and get the performance you paid for.

We have made some changes in our latest release to directly address concerns like this.  More info here:

I would suggest that you update.