Acces MBL from outside network

Hi, I read tons of threats, but I can’t figure it out and I’m looking for step-by-step help with this:

I have a 2TB MBL on at my friends address (for security reasons). I would like to make the MBL accessible frmo my home network on both my PC and iMac.

Can somebody explain what I need to do on the MBL side and what I need to so on both my PC and Mac so that I can access and map the drive in order to make backups? 

Remember, I’m new to this; so no fancy words :slight_smile: Thanks, I appreaciate your help!

There are two ways that you can accomplish this.

You can use WD My Cloud app or you can use FTP.

See the articles bellow for more information:

How to access data on a My Book Live, WD ShareSpace, or My Book World (White Light) using FTP

How to use a My Book Live running Software Release 2.0+ with WD 2go for the first time