Apologies if this has been asked before but have spent the passed hour searching here and on web and have failed to get a definitive answer.
I have a WDTV Live 1st gen UK model with firmware version 1.06.41. I realise there is one newer release but have kept this version running as it has BBC iPlayer on it.
I presently use it with a 3TB My Book Home USB3 drive and a 2TB My Book Sudio USB2/Esata/firewire HDD.
I haven’t had any issues with using the 3TB drive but am considering upgrading and geting a WD 4TB My Book.
Will my WDTV Live support the 4TB drive with this firmware or the newer one?
Or is there a custom firmware that would support 4TB?
If not does the newest generation of WDTV support 4TB drives.
Thank you in advance for any answers or help provided.