Have you checked the My Cloud User Manual for your device to see what the front Yellow LED means? For the single bay/single drive My Cloud (the general subject of the My Cloud subforum) one can find the User Manual for their My Cloud here: https://support-en.wd.com/app/products/product-detail/p/126
One can “shuck” (google for videos of how to do so) the My Cloud enclosure (carefully) to extract the internal hard drive from the enclosure. Then one can attach the hard drive to their computer, and using Linux or a Linux driver for Windows, access the contents of the drive. This assumes the drive can still be accessed. From there one can copy the contents of the user partition to another location.
One can also replaced a damaged/dead drive with a new one by using one of the various “unbrick” methods discussed in past posts. Use the forum search featcure to find those past discussions.